Master the symptom-thermal method of fertility awareness as a lifelong tool for understanding your overall healthy and tending to your female physiology… 

Learn to deeply observe, track and chart your reproductive hormones with a standardised method, so that you can uncover and tend to the root cause of menstrual cycle irregularities and fertility challenges. 

Are you ready to learn the language of your body? 

FAM is proven to be up to 99.4% effective as a contraceptive method. With no side effects!

Gain a tool for knowing, guiding and trusting yourself through every stage and expression of your life from fertile years to menopause.

Become the expert in your body - Side step unnecessary medical interventions, diet fads and confusing ‘health hacks’, so that you can make positive and empowered decisions about your reproductive health and general wellbeing.

Fertility Awareness Method is for:

Avoiding pregnancy naturally and side effect free

Helping us to naturally conceive and prepare for conception

Monitoring our overall health through the lens of the menstrual cycle

As a Fertility Awareness Method Mastery practitioner, I collaborate with you to support you not only to learn and integrate the method to serve your unique fertility goals, but to tailor my expertise and knowledge in menstrual cycle irregularities, fertility and hormonal health to you to support you in your tending journey. 

Hello, my name is Isobel…

I am deeply invested in the world of menstrual cycle wellbeing.

I’ve been on a mission since I was 16 years old, to find the perfect birth control. One which could protect me, support me and give me the self responsibility I crave! Unfortunately, this meant several years of kissing frogs, ie taking hormonal birth control which did not work for me. After experiencing a range of side effects, from general emotional unease with the pill, to constant low level pain with the IUD, to severe inflamation and anxiety with the NuvaRing, I decided that I was done with my medical birth control experiments.

Despite being scared, and absolutely convinced that there was no way of being a responsible woman without being ‘on birth control’, I trusted that there had to be another way.

And then the Fertility Awareness Method made itself known. Reading the words: ‘FAM is a valid and effective birth control method’ I thought ‘surely not…’. Despite my disbelief, I felt I had no other option.

I am so grateful that I felt so despairing, that I felt forced to give myself to learning FAM. If I had not, no doubt I’d still be on the pill, living in a state of discomfort but believing it was my lot.

I have never looked back.

I soon discovered that, not only does it work (I’ve now been using it as contraception for 6 years), it helped me see that there was so much more to life than accepting a low standard of wellbeing.

Understanding and communicating with my body with FAM has helped me resolve extreme PMS symptoms, unlock new levels of self compassion, find greater intimacy in my relationships, and harness my menstrual cycle as the power and source of my creativity.

It is my greatest honour to teach these tools to you, so that you may also feel the true meaning of empowerment, and step into your most fertile, creative and vibrant self.

  • Wish to understand and take charge of a cycle issue or condition.

  • Are struggling to conceive naturally and are looking for empowered and holistic support.

  • Want to avoid pregnancy naturally 

  • Are coming off the pill and wanting to regulate your cycles

  • Are ready to take responsibility for your reproductive health with personalised support to get you there 

  • Feel the call to master the fertility awareness method (FAM), as a powerful tool for a life in deep communication with your body.

  • Are ready to make the shifts required to feel fully well and vibrant.

This is for you if…

Let’s chat!

Book a free, no commitment call with me. You can tell me all about you and your cycles, and I’ll answer any questions you have about Tending The Soil and my other offers.

I can’t wait to meet you.

What We Cover:

  • Fertility awareness method for contraception, conception: whatever your goal is.

  • Cervical mucus as your main fertility sign and indicator of hormone levels.

  • Basal body temperature for indicating ovulation and determining menstrual cycle parameters.

  • Understanding ‘optimal’ menstrual cycle parameters as opposed to what is ‘normal’ or common.

  • Fertility foundations: understanding your ‘ground cover’ ie the lifestyle elements which best support menstrual cycle health.

  • Assessing your first chart together and determining a supportive strategy based on your presenting challenges.

  • Research based and anecdotally successful protocols to realign your lifestyle elements with your fertility goals.

  • How to identify positive shifts in your charts.

  • Support to partner with other health care providers using the information you are receiving from your charts.

  • Arming you with the ability to use FAM as a tool to monitor your health ongoing after we work together. Aka, making you the expert in your body.

The investment details:

Tending The Soil costs £450

Monthly payment plans are available on request!

The specifics: 

You will gain:

  • A deep understanding of how to chart and analyse your menstrual cycles using the Symptothermal method Fertility Awareness.

  • Understanding of how to observe and analyse your signs of fertility for contraception, conception, or to gain clarity and control over challenging cycle symptoms such as pain, irregular cycles or PMS 

  • A deeper understanding of a confusing medical diagnosis

  • Education in the best practices for creating your ‘ground cover’ ie your menstrual cycle foundations

  • Tailored protocols based on the best research to help you make lifestyle and nutrition choices to support your unique challenge.

  • The deeper meaning of other secondary signs such as energy, breast changes and mid cycle pain

  • A ‘second nature’ daily practice of connecting with your body

  • A unique praxis of cyclical self care, highly personalised to you and taking the whole context of your life into consideration

  • A scientific and practical method of communicating with your body throughout all of this, so that you can directly monitor and understand for yourself what works and what doesn’t, and rest back in knowing that you truly are the expert in your body who can make informed decisions from a place of knowing, not guessing.

You will get:

  • 4 weekly 1-1 sessions of between 1 hour to 1.5 hours, covering Introduction to FAM, cycle charting method, symptothermal rules for birth control and managing fertile window, symptothermal FAM for for conception (depending on your needs).

  • 4 follow up sessions every other week for chart review, identifying issues, inputting specific protocols and integrating the method. (8 calls in total)

  • Printable handouts and charting resources.

  • Unlimited access to the membership portal where I regularly post new videos regarding updated menstrual cycle health research and trainings.

  • 6 months of access to Slack community where you can ask me questions and receive messages and voice notes from me, monday to friday 24/7 and connect with others taking the course.

  • Following our final session together, opportunity to join the monthly q&a for support for a further 6 months.

  • 3 months free with the Read Your Body app

  • 10% off all future courses and classes



“Isobel’s coaching was life changing. I’ve confidently been using FAM for the past 6 months and won’t be going back to my previous birth control method. Isobel’s coaching approach is clear, empowering, and knowledgeable. I can’t have asked for a better introduction to FAM.”


“Isobel has given me so much confidence, and invited me to listen to my body. In Season Cycles has changed my life - that’s dramatic but it’s true! I felt like I didn’t have enough time but it’s been able to fit perfectly into my already busy life.”


“I am truly blown away with how my body as well as my mind has responded to learning fertility awareness with 1:1 support from Isobel. My body has quite literally regulated itself in response to in-depth cycling charting and a dedicated fertility awareness practise and learning. My periods and cycles have become regular (something they have never been before in all my 28 years) and I feel totally empowered with the tools I need to make this a lifelong practice I can trust.”


“Being guided through FAM by Isobel has given me such joy! She’s such a delightful person to work with. Isobel’s calm, clear and neutral energy made taking the leap of faith and switching to FAM as my main contraceptive method less intimidating, making me feel confident and supported in the process. Isobel is a very reliable coach, ensuring that none of my questions or worries go unheard. Cycle awareness has helped me in so many aspects of my life and has given me deep reverence for this body that we inhabit as women!”

Reproductive health, The Un-Doing, Yoga Nidra, Fertility Awareness,

Reproductive health, The Un-Doing, Yoga Nidra, Fertility Awareness,